Saturday, April 21, 2007

Knex Challenge!
On Tuesday 17th April, we took part in the Knex Challenge. Mr John Stack from SIAC explained the challenge and the children from 4th and 5th classes got to work. Their task was to make a rescue boat from Knex pieces. It was necessary for each boat to have a mast for radio contact, a ladder for rescue and a cabin for the crew.
All of the finished boats were commended but the winning boat belonged to I. Dunne and T. Butler. They will now represent the school in the regional finals to be held in INTEL.
Here are some of the entries.

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Girls win again!

Today the Cappagh girls notched up another victory against Derrinturn in senior football. They came away comfortable winners, 2-17 to 0-2. Well done to all players, coaches and supporters.